Categories: Community

Deaf Citizens Petition – Accessibility News International


Deaf Citizens are calling for change at the Canadian Hearing Services (formerly the Canadian Hearing Society). The petition is in ASL, LSQ, and English and it lays out some of the issues taking place in the organization.

Concerns by deaf stakeholders and their allies include:

  • Reducing the number of employees who are Deaf
  • Failing to appoint deaf board members in contravention of CHS bylaws
  • Switching its role from a major voice representing deaf people to working mainly as a provider of audiological services
  • Revising its bylaws to eliminate all memberships except for the board meaning that annual general meetings are now close to the community

Please support the deaf community by signing the Deaf Citizens’ petition. https://deafcitizens.ca/ or call 1-877-949-9492 (TTY: 1-800-363-7629).

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