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The AODA Clock is Ticking
There are 4 years, 17 weeks, 6 days until a fully Accessible Ontario! Will you be compliant?
In this Issue
*Why Some Parents of Kids With Disabilities are Making the ‘Heart-Breaking’ Choice of At Home Learning
*COVID-19 Taking Financial Toll on Canadians With Disabilities: Survey
*It Took A Pandemic To Prove What Students With Disabilities Wanted For Years Is Possible
*Watch the Archived Online video of the 3rd COVID-19 Town Hall by the AODA Alliance and the Ontario Autism Coalition Entitled: Preparing for School Re-Opening Action Tips for Parents of Students with Disabilities
*Deaf Citizens Petition
*EasyConnect Project App Survey
*Students With Disabilities Face More Obstacles Returning to Class: Advocates
eSSENTIAL Accessibility is an Accessibility-as-a-Service platform. It helps organizations deliver inclusive web, mobile, and product experiences in compliance with legal requirements to ensure that no one with a disability is left behind.
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Why Some Parents of Kids With Disabilities are Making the ‘Heart-Breaking’ Choice of At Home Learning
For months, Avery Thornbury, 14, has been looking forward to starting Grade 9 at a new school. In fact, she’s been so excited that she’s had her backpack ready by her front door since June.
“I just want the virus to be done,” she said.
COVID-19 Taking Financial Toll on Canadians With Disabilities: Survey
More than half of Canadians with disabilities who participated in a crowdsourced survey are struggling to make ends meet because of the financial fallout of the COVID-19 crisis, a new report suggests.
It Took A Pandemic To Prove What Students With Disabilities Wanted For Years Is Possible
Schools’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic shows online learning is possible – but students with disabilities still need additional support.
Watch the Archived Online video of the 3rd COVID-19 Town Hall by the AODA Alliance and the Ontario Autism Coalition Entitled: Preparing for School Re-Opening Action Tips for Parents of Students with Disabilities
And Check Out the Media Coverage It Got
Deaf Citizens Petition
Deaf Citizens are calling for change at the Canadian Hearing Services (formerly the Canadian Hearing Society). The petition is in ASL, LSQ, and English and it lays out some of the issues taking place in the organization.
EasyConnect Project App Survey
The aim of this project was to bring together people with disabilities who were neglected during the pandemic and students who needed an additional source of income.
Students With Disabilities Face More Obstacles Returning to Class: Advocates
TORONTO – Advocacy groups in Ontario say students with disabilities will face additional obstacles returning to class following the pandemic, leaving parents unsure if their children will be fully and safely included in school reopening plans.
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Inclusive is ready to caption and video describe all your video for web, DVD, and computer desktop. They can also assist you in understanding and implementing Ontario’s AODA Integrated Standards’ media requirements. Consider having them check that any of your new web site content is compliant with an Accessibility Audit.
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The views and opinions expressed throughout Accessibility News do not represent those of the various organizations or associated individuals and are exclusively those of the contributor and/or author of the specific article or commentary.
Accessibility News, since November 8, 2006