Accessibility News January 23,2021 Update – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


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The AODA Clock is Ticking

There are 3 years, 49 weeks, 0 days until a fully Accessible Ontario! Will you be compliant?

In this Issue

*Even More Reason to Worry About Secret Ontario Plans Regarding Rationing or Triage of Life-Saving Critical Medical Care Is Revealed in Two Newspaper Articles and a Letter Secretly Sent to Ontario Hospitals
*Ontario Urged to Suspend Need for Consent Before Withdrawing Life Support When COVID Crushes Hospitals
*More Media Coverage of Danger that the Ford Government’s Critical Medical Care Triage Poses for Ontarians with disabilities
*Ontario Patients to Be Ranked for Life-Saving Care Should ICUs Become Full, Documents Show
*Teachers Fear Return to Classrooms, But Parents Say Kids Need the Support
*We Publicly Post New Secret Ford Government Directions to Ontario Hospitals on How to Decide Who Lives and Who Dies if Life-Saving Critical Care Must Soon Be Triaged Serious Human Rights Dangers for Ontarians with Disabilities

eSSENTIAL Accessibility is an Accessibility-as-a-Service platform. It helps organizations deliver inclusive web, mobile, and product experiences in compliance with legal requirements to ensure that no one with a disability is left behind.

To learn more, visit http://www.essentialaccessibility.com.


Even More Reason to Worry About Secret Ontario Plans Regarding Rationing or Triage of Life-Saving Critical Medical Care Is Revealed in Two Newspaper Articles and a Letter Secretly Sent to Ontario Hospitals


Ontario Urged to Suspend Need for Consent Before Withdrawing Life Support When COVID Crushes Hospitals

Canada’s Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that a major Toronto Hospital could not withdraw life-support from a minimally conscious and severely brain-damaged man without his family’s consent.


More Media Coverage of Danger that the Ford Government’s Critical Medical Care Triage Poses for Ontarians with disabilities

But the Government Claims Protocol Does Not Come From the Government So Does The Government Believe It Comes From Some Rogue Group Issuing Directions to Ontario’s Hospitals?


Ontario Patients to Be Ranked for Life-Saving Care Should ICUs Become Full, Documents Show

The province’s triage protocol guidance states that patients should be assessed and placed in a colour-coded framework based on their risk of short-term mortality, which is defined as survival beyond 12 months after the onset of critical illness.


Teachers Fear Return to Classrooms, But Parents Say Kids Need the Support

While the rest of the province is hunkering down under new, stricter stay-at-home orders, Jim Rossiter is his usual place with students in his classroom.

Rossiter is a special-education teacher at Maxwell Heights Secondary School in Oshawa and, even with most schools shuttered amid surging COVID-19 numbers, he is teaching in-class, as in-person learning continues for many students with disabilities.


We Publicly Post New Secret Ford Government Directions to Ontario Hospitals on How to Decide Who Lives and Who Dies if Life-Saving Critical Care Must Soon Be Triaged Serious Human Rights Dangers for Ontarians with Disabilities


Past Newsletters

View past issues of the Newsletter at http://www.accessibilitynews.ca/category/accessibility-news-weekly-newsletter/

Inclusive Media and Design Inc is a proud supporter of Accessibility News.

Inclusive is ready to caption and video describe all your video for web, DVD, and computer desktop. They can also assist you in understanding and implementing Ontario’s AODA Integrated Standards’ media requirements. Consider having them check that any of your new web site content is compliant with an Accessibility Audit.

Visit http://www.inclusivemedia.ca to find out more.

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The views and opinions expressed throughout Accessibility News do not represent those of the various organizations or associated individuals and are exclusively those of the contributor and/or author of the specific article or commentary.

Accessibility News, since November 8, 2006

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