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The AODA Clock is Ticking
There are 3 years, 26 weeks, 0 days until a fully Accessible Ontario! Will you be compliant?
In this Issue
*Is There a Right Way to Act Blind?
*Send Your Feedback on the Initial Report/Recommendations by the Post-Secondary Education Standards Development Committee on What Must Be Done to Make Ontario Colleges and Universities Accessible for Students with Disabilities
*Canadians Concerned About Disability Poverty, On-Board with Proposed New National Benefit
*I Chose Not to Disclose My Condition for Many Years, But I Came to Change My Mind
*Largest U.S. Blind Advocacy Group Bans Web Accessibility Overlay Giant AccessiBe
*Violation of Ontario Human RIGHTS!
eSSENTIAL Accessibility is an Accessibility-as-a-Service platform. It helps organizations deliver inclusive web, mobile, and product experiences in compliance with legal requirements to ensure that no one with a disability is left behind.
To learn more, visit
Is There a Right Way to Act Blind?
Activists slammed the TV show “the Dark” for casting a sighted actress in a blind lead role. But what if blindness is a performance of its own?
Send Your Feedback on the Initial Report/Recommendations by the Post-Secondary Education Standards Development Committee on What Must Be Done to Make Ontario Colleges and Universities Accessible for Students with Disabilities
Canadians Concerned About Disability Poverty, On-Board with Proposed New National Benefit
Recognizing the challenges faced by Canadians with disabilities problems that have only been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic the federal Liberal government laid out plans to help in its September 2020 Speech from the Throne. The government promised a new Canadian Disability Benefit, modelled after the seniors’ guaranteed income supplement.
I Chose Not to Disclose My Condition for Many Years, But I Came to Change My Mind
“You’re a very big guy and awkward with the way you move. You have this large presence that is off-putting. If I had an opening and you were the applicant, I wouldn’t hire you.”
Largest U.S. Blind Advocacy Group Bans Web Accessibility Overlay Giant AccessiBe
The National Federation of the Blind, America’s most powerful civil rights and advocacy group for the visually impaired has launched a scathing attack on web accessibility overlay market leader accessiBe, accusing the company of engaging in “harmful” practices.
Violation of Ontario Human RIGHTS!
Ontario Human Rights Commission:
After extensive research I am learning that Ontario young adults between 20 and 64 are being denied OHIP funded services at our private Physiotherapy Clinics for the following Groups of People:
Past Newsletters
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Inclusive Media and Design Inc is a proud supporter of Accessibility News.
Inclusive is ready to caption and video describe all your video for web, DVD, and computer desktop. They can also assist you in understanding and implementing Ontario’s AODA Integrated Standards’ media requirements. Consider having them check that any of your new web site content is compliant with an Accessibility Audit.
Visit to find out more.
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The views and opinions expressed throughout Accessibility News do not represent those of the various organizations or associated individuals and are exclusively those of the contributor and/or author of the specific article or commentary.
Accessibility News, since November 8, 2006