Accessibility News May 9,2020 Update – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


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AbleDocs Inc. is excited to be joining the Accessibility News team to ensure all documents are made accessible and compliant.

AbleDocs is the only organization to guarantee the compliance of the files we produce and back that up with a $10,000,000 guarantee.

We look forward to working with you and Accessibility News for years to come. For more details, please come to https://www.abledocs.com for more information about our revolutionary approach to document accessibility.

The AODA Clock is Ticking

There are 4 years, 33 weeks, 6 days until a fully Accessible Ontario! Will you be compliant?

In this Issue

*Watch TVO’s “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” Tonight at 8 or 11 PM for an Interview on the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on People with Disabilities
*CERB ‘A Slap In the Face’ for Ontarians Scraping By On Disability Payments
*The AODA Alliance Calls on TVO to Take Prompt Action to Fix its Educational Web Content’s Accessibility Problems
*Girl and Her Dog Share Life-Altering Bond
*Pressing Need for the Ford Government to Ensure that Hospital Patients with Communication Disabilities Face No Barriers to Using Technology that Lets Them Effectively Communicate
*Yesterday’s Virtual Town Hall Reveals Serious Hardships Facing Hundreds of Thousands of Ontario Students with Disabilities and Makes Practical Recommendations for Urgent Action
*City Urged to Think About People With Disabilities in CurbTO Plan to Create Space on Sidewalks
*Ontario’s Ministry of Education Must Now Meet the Urgent Needs of A Third of a Million Students with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Crisis

eSSENTIAL Accessibility is an Accessibility-as-a-Service platform. It helps organizations deliver inclusive web, mobile, and product experiences in compliance with legal requirements to ensure that no one with a disability is left behind.

To learn more, visit http://www.essentialaccessibility.com.


Watch TVO’s “The Agenda with Steve Paikin” Tonight at 8 or 11 PM for an Interview on the Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on People with Disabilities

And More News on the COVID-19 and Disability Front


CERB ‘A Slap In the Face’ for Ontarians Scraping By On Disability Payments

Federal aid for people affected by pandemic nearly double provincial disability support

Some Ontarians who rely on provincial disability support say the federal government’s new emergency benefit for people affected by COVID-19 is laying bare a double standard when it comes to the question of what’s considered a livable income.


The AODA Alliance Calls on TVO to Take Prompt Action to Fix its Educational Web Content’s Accessibility Problems

As part of its emergency plans for supporting K-12 students while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Ford Government announced that it has partnered with TVO, the Government-owned educational TV network. However, the AODA Alliance has revealed that there are accessibility problems with some of TVO’s educational web content.


Girl and Her Dog Share Life-Altering Bond

Words do little to express the bond shared by Minden teen Emma Gillam and her Doberman, Biggie, who wouldn’t be one without the other. They’re pretty much inseparable.


Pressing Need for the Ford Government to Ensure that Hospital Patients with Communication Disabilities Face No Barriers to Using Technology that Lets Them Effectively Communicate

Even More Media Coverage of Disability COVID Issues

Here are three more important media reports that focus directly or indirectly on disability issues during the COVID-19 crisis. All are set out below.


Yesterday’s Virtual Town Hall Reveals Serious Hardships Facing Hundreds of Thousands of Ontario Students with Disabilities and Makes Practical Recommendations for Urgent Action

But Will the Ford Government Do What’s Needed?


City Urged to Think About People With Disabilities in CurbTO Plan to Create Space on Sidewalks

David Lepofsky, a disability rights advocate, says: ‘The real question that I would ask is: What are they doing to ensure that, in altering this part of the built environment, that the alteration will increase and not decrease accessibility?’


Ontario’s Ministry of Education Must Now Meet the Urgent Needs of A Third of a Million Students with Disabilities During the COVID-19 Crisis

A Captioned Online Virtual Town Hall Today at 3 PM Lets Experts Give Practical Action Tips for Teachers and Parents While Schools Remain Closed.


Past Newsletters

View past issues of the Newsletter at http://www.accessibilitynews.ca/category/accessibility-news-weekly-newsletter/

Inclusive Media and Design Inc is a proud supporter of Accessibility News.

Inclusive is ready to caption and video describe all your video for web, DVD, and computer desktop. They can also assist you in understanding and implementing Ontario’s AODA Integrated Standards’ media requirements. Consider having them check that any of your new web site content is compliant with an Accessibility Audit.

Visit http://www.inclusivemedia.ca to find out more.

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The views and opinions expressed throughout Accessibility News do not represent those of the various organizations or associated individuals and are exclusively those of the contributor and/or author of the specific article or commentary.

Accessibility News, since November 8, 2006

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