Accessibility News September 5,2020 Update – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


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The AODA Clock is Ticking

There are 4 years, 16 weeks, 6 days until a fully Accessible Ontario! Will you be compliant?

In this Issue

*More Media Coverage of the Stress and Uncertainty facing Parents of Students with Disabilities on the Eve of the Labour Day Weekend
*Girl From Kenora, Ontario Inspires House of Commons Petition to Promote Accessibility for Visually Impaired
*Advocates Push for Changes to Mental Health Act
*ARCH Disability Law Centre Identifies Even More Problems with the Revised Draft Protocol for Deciding which COVID-19 Patients, Needing Critical Medical Care, Would Not Get That Care If there Is a Future Shortage of Critical Care Beds
*Ensuring that Patients with Disabilities Don’t Face Discrimination in Access to Critical Medical Care If There is a Second Wave of COVID-19 that Overwhelms Ontario Hospitals-A new Brief by the AODA Alliance Is Made Public Today
*Elliot Lake Honours Commitment to Accessibility With Beach Mats for Wheelchair Users
*Statement: OHRC Files Motion to Address Ontario’s Breach of Legal Obligation to Keep Prisoners With Mental Health Disabilities Out of Segregation

eSSENTIAL Accessibility is an Accessibility-as-a-Service platform. It helps organizations deliver inclusive web, mobile, and product experiences in compliance with legal requirements to ensure that no one with a disability is left behind.

To learn more, visit http://www.essentialaccessibility.com.


More Media Coverage of the Stress and Uncertainty facing Parents of Students with Disabilities on the Eve of the Labour Day Weekend


Girl From Kenora, Ontario Inspires House of Commons Petition to Promote Accessibility for Visually Impaired

Petition calls on government to require braille or tactile symbols on consumer product warning labels


Advocates Push for Changes to Mental Health Act

A week after giving birth to her daughter, Shareen Nimmo was forced to enter a psychiatric facility without being informed of her rights or having access to independent legal advice.


ARCH Disability Law Centre Identifies Even More Problems with the Revised Draft Protocol for Deciding which COVID-19 Patients, Needing Critical Medical Care, Would Not Get That Care If there Is a Future Shortage of Critical Care Beds


Ensuring that Patients with Disabilities Don’t Face Discrimination in Access to Critical Medical Care If There is a Second Wave of COVID-19 that Overwhelms Ontario Hospitals-A new Brief by the AODA Alliance Is Made Public Today

If there is a second wave of COVID-19 that is so severe that hospitals don’t have enough critical care beds and services for all patients who need that medical care, who will decide which patients get critical care and which ones will get refused?


Elliot Lake Honours Commitment to Accessibility With Beach Mats for Wheelchair Users

The MobiMats, which were purchased from Wheelchair Friendly Solutions Inc. in the winter of 2019 as part of the community’s Age Friendly Elliot Lake Action Plan, are designed to ensure safe and inclusive accessibility to the water.


Statement: OHRC Files Motion to Address Ontario’s Breach of Legal Obligation to Keep Prisoners With Mental Health Disabilities Out of Segregation

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) filed a motion with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) for an order to hold Ontario accountable for failing to meet its legal obligations to keep prisoners with mental health disabilities out of segregation.


Past Newsletters

View past issues of the Newsletter at http://www.accessibilitynews.ca/category/accessibility-news-weekly-newsletter/

Inclusive Media and Design Inc is a proud supporter of Accessibility News.

Inclusive is ready to caption and video describe all your video for web, DVD, and computer desktop. They can also assist you in understanding and implementing Ontario’s AODA Integrated Standards’ media requirements. Consider having them check that any of your new web site content is compliant with an Accessibility Audit.

Visit http://www.inclusivemedia.ca to find out more.

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The views and opinions expressed throughout Accessibility News do not represent those of the various organizations or associated individuals and are exclusively those of the contributor and/or author of the specific article or commentary.

Accessibility News, since November 8, 2006

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