Bridgewater riverside park adds security camera

In a world where public and property safety is foremost in the minds of law enforcement organizations, sometimes even the best need a little help.
The Bridgewater Area Chamber of Commerce saw a need for a security camera to act as another set of eyes for the new Bridgewater riverside park. This area since opened has been a popular spot for residents and tourists wanting to enjoy the LaHave River on sunny days.
Sadly, not all visitors to the park are there during the daytime hours and not to enjoy the facility but, to cause damage.
The new camera which is monitored at the headquarters of the Bridgewater Police Service has been instrumental in helping to solve a few cases of vandalism since being installed several months ago.
Acting Bridgewater police chief, Scott Feener met with Bridgewater Area Chamber of Commerce president, Bob Richards, and gave him a report on the effectiveness of the new camera and some insider information on the quality of the images that it continually sends real time back to police headquarters. He said, “in fact, we are being watched right now.”
Some may feel that this is another form of invasion of individual’s privacy, but only those bent on destruction should be concerned about their privacy. The cost of the camera has been more than recouped with the recent cases solved. The message is clear for all of those visiting the park.
Come enjoy the surroundings and treat the park with care and respect, but if you still feel the need to engage in illegal activities, just make sure you remember to, “smile, you are on the chamber cam!”