On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the AODA Alliance Again Writes Ontario’s Education Minister and TVO’s Vice President to Try to Get the Urgent Learning Needs of Students with Disabilities Met – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


In our continuing campaign to get the Ford Government to address the urgent needs of a third of a million vulnerable students with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis, the AODA Alliance today wrote two important letters, set out below. These are especially timely, because today is the internationally recognized Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Read […]

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On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the AODA Alliance Again Writes Ontario?s Education Minister and TVO’s Vice President to Try to Get the Urgent Learning Needs of Students with Disabilities Met – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


In our continuing campaign to get the Ford Government to address the urgent needs of a third of a million vulnerable students with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis, the AODA Alliance today wrote two important letters, set out below. These are especially timely, because today is the internationally recognized Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Read […]

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Global Mental Health Crisis Looming Due to coronavirus Pandemic, UN Warns – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


While countries around the world continue to mobilize to contain the spread of COVID-19, mental health experts say we can’t lose sight of an equally alarming issue: The long-term mental health impact the coronavirus pandemic is going to leave on society. Read more athttp://www.accessibilitynewsinternational.com/global-mental-health-crisis-looming-due-to-coronavirus-pandemic-un-warns/ Related

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Global Mental Health Crisis Looming Due to coronavirus Pandemic, UN Warns – Accessibility News International


Kate Kelland ReutersMay 14, 2020 While countries around the world continue to mobilize to contain the spread of COVID-19, mental health experts say we can’t lose sight of an equally alarming issue: The long-term mental health impact the coronavirus pandemic is going to leave on society. A mental illness crisis is looming as millions of […]

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Insurance company reinstates long-term disability coverage after Global News report, legal action

Insurance company reinstates long term disability coverage after Global News report legal action

[ad_1] A major Canadian insurance company is restoring long-term disability coverage to an Ontario woman following a Global News report on legal action taken against the insurer. Sun Life Financial had given notice to revoke long term disability benefits for Sandra Bullock of Georgetown, Ont. The company claimed Bullock was fit to work, and not […]

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