Looking Back at the Stressful 2020 and Forward to the Hopeful 2021 – a Year-End Report to Our Many Grassroots Accessibility Supporters from the AODA Alliance – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


This overwhelming year is almost over! Here are reflections on what we’ve done this year in our non-partisan campaign for accessibility and full inclusion for people with disabilities, and on what we will face in 2021. The battle for accessibility was more uphill this year, with previously-unimaginable barriers being created for people with disabilities. Yet […]

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New captioned Video is Unveiled Today on Hardships People with Disabilities Face During the COVID-19 Pandemic, To Mark This Sunday, the 26th Anniversary of the Birth of Ontario’s Grassroots Movement for Disability Accessibility – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Happy birthday to us! This Sunday, November 29, 2020, is the 26th anniversary of the birth of Ontario’s unstoppable grassroots non-partisan movement that successfully campaigned for a decade from 1994 to 2005 to get the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act passed, and that has tenaciously campaigned since then to get the AODA effectively implemented. […]

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11am Eastern Today, Grassroots Virtual Town Hall Will Give Anxious Parents of One Third of a Million Ontario Students with Disabilities Practical Tips to Prepare for School Re-Openings – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Today at 11am Eastern, a grassroots Virtual Town Hall will be held online to give deeply worried parents of one third of a million students with disabilities practical tips on what to do to prepare for and cope with the impending re-opening of Ontario schools, in the absence of a much-needed comprehensive provincial plan to […]

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