Largest U.S. Blind Advocacy Group Bans Web Accessibility Overlay Giant AccessiBe


The National Federation of the Blind, America’s most powerful civil rights and advocacy group for the visually impaired has launched a scathing attack on web accessibility overlay market leader accessiBe, accusing the company of engaging in “harmful” practices. Read more at Related

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Halifax research group creates app to help break barriers for those living with disabilities

Changes at Parlee Beach means improved access for people with

A research group in Halifax is trying to make the city more inclusive to residents and visitors. PEACH Research works to promote equity, accessibility and health in urban design and planning practices. It’s part of Dalhousie University’s school of planning and consists of faculty members, students and partners developing and executing projects to help […]

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Advocacy group sounding alarm on ‘extreme’ wait times for specialized mobility aids in Alberta

Advocacy group sounding alarm on ‘extreme wait times for specialized mobility aids in Alberta

A newly formed advocacy group called Wheels of Change is sounding the alarm on Albertans with spinal cord injuries having to wait extreme periods of time to receive specialized wheelchairs and equipment under a government program called Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL). “To me, these are my legs, this helps me move from […]

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Disability Rights Group Sues San Diego Over Scooters On Sidewalks – Accessibility News International


March 4, 2019 Electric scooters have taken cities across the country by surprise, sometimes causing conflicts with city authorities and pedestrians. In San Diego, the scooters have led to a federal lawsuit claiming the new devices cause discrimination against people with disabilities. The lawsuit, which was filed in a federal district court in January and […]

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Disability Rights Group Sues San Diego Over Scooters On Sidewalks – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Electric scooters have taken cities across the country by surprise, sometimes causing conflicts with city authorities and pedestrians. In San Diego, the scooters have led to a federal lawsuit claiming the new devices cause discrimination against people with disabilities. Read more at Related

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Group Homes Need to Rethink Visiting Rules During COVID-19 – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


by Rabia KhedrMississauga News, Jul 13,2020 People with intellectual disabilities and their elderly parents are silently falling victim to COVID-19 in Peel and throughout Ontario. It is not the virus, but rather inequitable policies adopted by agencies operating group homes backed by ill-informed provincial guidelines. Families are afraid to speak up, fearing reprisal. Agencies imposed […]

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New Student Group Seeks Mandatory Accessibility Classes for Lecturers – Accessibility News International


The group, known as the ‘Ability Co_op’, aims to promote awareness of students with disabilities on campus. Cormac WatsonDeputy Editor The group has released a video, produced by student filmmaker Niamh Barry, with students discussing online learning and exams. Trinity students, alongside the Disability Service, have launched a new co-operative with the aim of introducing […]

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Federal Government names group to ensure disabled Canadians included in COVID-19 response – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


The COVID-19 pandemic takes a particularly heavy toll on Canadians with disabilities and more efforts are needed to ensure they’re included in national efforts to respond to the crisis, the minister overseeing accessibility issues said Friday as she appointed an advisory group to take on the task. Read more at Related

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Federal Government names group to ensure disabled Canadians included in COVID-19 response – Accessibility News International


The Canadian PressApril 10, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic takes a particularly heavy toll on Canadians with disabilities and more efforts are needed to ensure they’re included in national efforts to respond to the crisis, the minister overseeing accessibility issues said Friday as she appointed an advisory group to take on the task. Disability Inclusion Minister […]

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