A Maritime mom wants you to take a hike for kids waiting on wishes

Changes at Parlee Beach means improved access for people with

A Maritime mom wants you to walk (or run) to help raise funds for kids waiting on a wish. Heather Langley knows first-hand how Make-A-Wish changes lives for families in Atlantic Canada.  Her daughter, Lucy was diagnosed at birth with a rare genetic condition called Wolf Hirschhorn, which affects one in 50,000 kids. Lucy’s […]

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Disability support staff in Manitoba battling for pay hike amid cutbacks – Winnipeg

Disability support staff in Manitoba battling for pay hike amid cutbacks Winnipeg

[ad_1] A disabled Manitoban requiring support can expect to receive care from around 770 different people in their lifetime. Support staff who work with people with disabilities say their wages need to go up, in order to provide stability for their clients. “Right now, people who provide support often work two or three jobs so […]

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