Disability support staff in Manitoba battling for pay hike amid cutbacks – Winnipeg

Disability support staff in Manitoba battling for pay hike amid cutbacks Winnipeg

[ad_1] A disabled Manitoban requiring support can expect to receive care from around 770 different people in their lifetime. Support staff who work with people with disabilities say their wages need to go up, in order to provide stability for their clients. “Right now, people who provide support often work two or three jobs so […]

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Ontario government to increase mercury disability payments to affected First Nations

Ontario government to increase mercury disability payments to affected First Nations

[ad_1] TORONTO – The Ontario government says it is moving to ensure people who receive mercury disability payments are properly compensated by retroactively indexing payments to the rate of inflation. The government says more than 200 people in the First Nations communities of Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemoong receive the payments, which have been frozen since […]

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