Ford Government Says it Rescinded its Widely-Condemned March 28, 2020 Protocol Directing Which Patients Will be Refused Life-Saving Critical Medical Care if the COVID-19 Surge Exceeds Hospital Capacity – But Won’t Reveal How It Will Fill that Vacuum – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.

“It’s great that when pressed in Question Period, the Ford Government finally announced it had rescinded its deeply flawed March 28, 2020 critical care triage protocol, but we’ve seen no proof that they’ve told all Ontario hospitals this,” said David Lepofsky, chair of the non-partisan AODA Alliance that allied with other disability advocates to protect patients with disabilities against such discrimination. “We’ve written Health Minister Christine Elliott and filed a Freedom of Information application to find out what directions have actually been sent to the health care system front lines.”


