if Hospital Overloads Require Critical Care Triage, Will the Ford Government Agree to Tell the Public the Daily Numbers of Patients Refused Life-Saving Critical Care They Need?


The AODA Alliance just wrote the Ford Government to request that key information about its critical care triage plans be immediately made public. That letter is set out below. Read more athttps://aoda.ca/if-hospital-overloads-require-critical-care-triage-will-the-ford-government-agree-to-tell-the-public-the-daily-numbers-of-patients-refused-life-saving-critical-care-they-need/ Related

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CBC Program Reveals Disturbing Fact that, Far From Objective Scientific Decisions, Ontario Critical Care Triage Could Involve Doctors Guesstimating and Improvising When Deciding Which Patients Should be Refused Life-Saving Critical Medical Care They Need – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


And Other News on The Triage Issue Read more athttps://aoda.ca/cbc-program-reveals-disturbing-fact-that-far-from-objective-scientific-decisions-ontario-critical-care-triage-could-involve-doctors-guesstimating-and-improvising-when-deciding-which-patients-should/ Related

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Even More Reason to Worry About Secret Ontario Plans Regarding Rationing or Triage of Life-Saving Critical Medical Care Is Revealed in Two Newspaper Articles and a Letter Secretly Sent to Ontario Hospitals – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


We today share more media coverage on the Ford Government’s frightening plans for deciding who will be refused life-saving critical medical care they need, if the out-of-control COVID-19 pandemic forces the rationing or triage of critical care. More revelations give rise to more serious dangers facing Ontarians with disabilities and others if that eventuality arises […]

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Ontario Patients to Be Ranked for Life-Saving Care Should ICUs Become Full, Documents Show – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


The province’s triage protocol guidance states that patients should be assessed and placed in a colour-coded framework based on their risk of short-term mortality, which is defined as survival beyond 12 months after the onset of critical illness. Read more athttps://aoda.ca/ontario-patients-to-be-ranked-for-life-saving-care-should-icus-become-full-documents-show/ Related

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We Publicly Post New Secret Ford Government Directions to Ontario Hospitals on How to Decide Who Lives and Who Dies if Life-Saving Critical Care Must Soon Be Triaged – Serious Human Rights Dangers for Ontarians with Disabilities – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Compounding this cruel reality, this secret document shows that some patients with disabilities now risk being de-prioritized in access to life-saving critical care that they will disproportionately need if Ontario hospitals, now near the breaking point, cannot provide life-saving critical medical care to all patients needing it.” Read more athttps://aoda.ca/we-publicly-post-new-secret-ford-government-directions-to-ontario-hospitals-on-how-to-decide-who-lives-and-who-dies-if-life-saving-critical-care-must-soon-be-triaged-serious-human-rights-dangers-for/ Related

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Any Time, You Can Watch The Agenda with Steve Paikin’s Panel on Disability Discrimination Risks If Life-Saving Critical Medical Care Must Soon Be Rationed – and – Excellent Canadian Press Article on This Triage Issue – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


We continue our unbelievably uphill efforts to get the media to cover the immediate and important issue of the danger that patients with disabilities could be subjected to disability discrimination in access to life-saving critical medical care if overloaded hospitals must ration or “triage” critical medical care. The Ford Government still refuses to answer our […]

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Hospitals Are Near the Breaking Point, but Only “The Pointer”, a Local Mississauga Online News Publication, Has Reported How the Ford Government Has Announced No Plans to Ensure that Any Triage or Rationing of Life-Saving Medical Care Won?t Discriminate Against Patients with Disabilities – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


To begin our volunteer advocacy for 2021, we wish one and all a happy, healthy, safe and barrier-free new year! Read more athttps://aoda.ca/hospitals-are-near-the-breaking-point-but-only-the-pointer-a-local-mississauga-online-news-publication-has-reported-how-the-ford-government-has-announced-no-plans-to-ensure-that-any-triage-or-r/ Related

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The Ontario Bioethics Table’s Secret September 11, 2020 Recommendations on How to Ration or “Triage” Life-Saving Critical Medical Care if COVID-19 Cases Overload Ontario Hospitals are Finally Revealed, and Incorporate a Number of Disability Advocates’ Proposals – But We’re Not Out of the Triage Woods Yet! – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


What a major partial breakthrough we have had in our 9-month campaign to ensure that patients with disabilities face no discrimination in access to life-saving critical care if the uncontrolled surge in COVID-19 infections requires the rationing or triage of critical care in Ontario hospitals. Read more athttps://aoda.ca/the-ontario-bioethics-tables-secret-september-11-2020-recommendations-on-how-to-ration-or-%c2%93triage%c2%94-life-saving-critical-medical-care-if-covid-19-cases-overload-ontario-hospitals-are-fin/ Related

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Ford Government Says it Rescinded its Widely-Condemned March 28, 2020 Protocol Directing Which Patients Will be Refused Life-Saving Critical Medical Care if the COVID-19 Surge Exceeds Hospital Capacity – But Won’t Reveal How It Will Fill that Vacuum – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


“It’s great that when pressed in Question Period, the Ford Government finally announced it had rescinded its deeply flawed March 28, 2020 critical care triage protocol, but we’ve seen no proof that they’ve told all Ontario hospitals this,” said David Lepofsky, chair of the non-partisan AODA Alliance that allied with other disability advocates to protect […]

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What Is the Ford Government Doing to Ensure Patients with Disabilities Don’t Face Discrimination in Access to Life-Saving Critical care If the Surge in COVID-19 Cases Overloads Ontario’s Hospitals? – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Since early in the COVID-19 pandemic last spring, the AODA Alliance together with other disability advocates, has been pressing the Ford Government to ensure that patients with disabilities are not discriminated against because of their disability in getting access to needed critical medical care, in the event that a surge in COVID-19 cases exceeds the […]

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