Have you even wondered what the chances could be that an intruder will break into your house? In the United States, a home burglary occurs every 15 seconds. Could we stop burglars or intruders? How to make your home safe from break-ins?
A break in can have a major impact on your sense of safety and well-being, but they do not have to happen. There are many things that can be done in order to boost your home security and make your home burglary resistant. Here are some workable tips to keep your home and family much safer and more secure from break-ins.
Top 4 Tips You Can Do to Make Your Home Safe from Break-ins
If you google it, you may find there are many ways and resources telling you how to discourage break-ins. Honestly speaking, some of them works, while some can’t hit the point. We’ve summed up top 4 useful tips for you. Try them to make your home safer and more secure from break-ins.
The first and the most important step to secure your home against intruders, is to make sure the areas of your hours are all safe.
Front Door
About 33 percent of the break-ins for a home occur through the front door. This is why it is important to invest in a quality, solid, deadbolt lock that is pick-resistant. Try the 10 tips to secure your house front door. Make sure that you keep it locked at all times, especially when you are not home. It is also a good idea to place your outdoor light on a time so that your house is illuminated throughout the night.
Any windows of the home that are easy to reach should have sash locks installed. In addition to adding locks to the downstairs windows it is also a good idea to add a wireless alarm system to your windows. There are alarm systems that can be set to go off every time a window is opened in order to scare off would-be burglars or intruders. Surely, there are other tips to secure your home without an alarm and prevent break ins at home.
Sliding Doors
If you have any side entries to the home that use sliding glass doors, it is important to invest in a solid metal jammer. The jammer can be folded when it is not in use so that the doors are not lifted off their tracks. Roughly 20% of break-ins occur through a side door, so make sure that you invest in a jammer to help deter would-be criminals.
While mounting an indoor lock for your garage door may seem a bit inconvenient, it will provide an extra bit of security should a criminal be able to bypass the electronic garage door opener. A side deadlock is a relatively cheap way to add further protection to your home.
If there is a door to your basement or any windows that lead to your basement, it is important to make sure that they are secure. Adding motion activated lights near basement windows and entrances will ensure that would-be prowlers do not have a place to hide.
Second Floor
Many people think that the second floor is safe from intruders and there is no need to worry about a break in occurring because the windows and entrances are high off the ground. However, it is important to make sure that all of your second story windows are equipped with sash locks, which come in several styles. This is helpful to defend your home against burglars.
When it comes to choosing a home to break into, the first thing a burglar is going to look for is a house that does not have anyone in it. If you are traveling or going to be away for a while for any reason, make sure that you make your home look occupied while you are gone.
First, put your lights on timers throughout the house and have the lights turned off and on in ways that are similar to your normal routine. Choose a timer that has battery as backup so that the timer will not stop if the electricity goes out. You can use timers for televisions or radios as well.
If you have a home phone, make sure that you turn the ringer down so that someone that is outside cannot hear it ring over and over. If possible, have calls forwarded while you are gone as some burglars try to call a home in order to see if anyone is home before they break in.
Instead of stopping any deliveries such as your mail, ask a neighbor to pick it up for you. One sign that burglars look for is mail not being delivered.
Lighting is one of the main defenses against break-ins, especially against burglars. A burglar is more likely to try to gain entry into a home that they have less of a chance of being seen at. Darkness is a thief’s best friend. Additionally, large trees and bushes provide places to hide, which makes it more likely that your home might be robbed.
If you have bushes around the perimeter of your home, make sure that they are trimmed back. The best plants to use around windows and next to the home are roses or other thorny plants.
Make sure all entrances are secure and well lit. Motion lights provide protection because they are only activated when things move around them. If your motion light comes on, your neighbors are going to be more likely to notice if there is someone around your house than they would if you have an outdoor light that is on all the time.
While a home security system does not provide a guarantee that your home will not be burglarized, these systems do make it much more difficult to enter a home. Additionally, a quality home security system will increase the risk that the burglar will be seen and likely caught.
According to FBI, 1 in 3 homes without a security system will fall victim to a burglary as compared to 1 in 250 homes that do have a security system.
Perhaps the best way to keep your house from being broken into, is to choose a high quality home security system for your home, and make sure that you use the window decals and yard signs that are provided by the company that state your home is protected. It’s easy to install a home security system if you choose a DIY one.
While burglaries around the world happen quite often, you do not have to be a victim. Use the tips above to make your home safer and less likely to be broken into.