Building Security Checklist for Property Management

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Ever since humans started erecting buildings we have geared ourselves towards protection from the elements. Whether it’s wind, rain or immense heat, buildings all over the world are designed to give their users a few minutes (or hours) of relaxation before getting back out in the big, wide world. Let’s face it though, we need [...]

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Why You Need Regular Maintenance For Your Access Control system

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Today’s access control systems have become very advanced. With hardware and software specialists combining their knowledge, experience, and professional expertise, these systems have been created to serve a number of different critical purposes for businesses all over the globe. With that being said, here are some reasons why your company should provide regular maintenance for your access [...]

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The Integration Of Access Control With Other Systems

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Access control systems have a lot of different functions these days, with many people saying that the current systems are only the beginning to access control. Buildings are only going to become ‘smarter,’ with more systems working together and integrating on a deeper level. As it stands, access control systems work well with other systems in [...]

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