Halifax research group creates app to help break barriers for those living with disabilities

Changes at Parlee Beach means improved access for people with

A research group in Halifax is trying to make the city more inclusive to residents and visitors. PEACH Research works to promote equity, accessibility and health in urban design and planning practices. It’s part of Dalhousie University’s school of planning and consists of faculty members, students and partners developing and executing projects to help […]

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How People With Disabilities are Sticking Together During COVID-19


I asked my mom about what happened when the doctors first told her about my disability. “They gave me a pamphlet,” she said, one that was 15 years out of date, and offered no advice on what we were supposed to do next. Read more athttps://www.accessibilitynewsinternational.com/how-people-with-disabilities-are-sticking-together-during-covid-19/ Related

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Ford Government Finally Makes Public the Initial Recommendations by the K-12 Education Standards Development Committee on How to Make Ontario Schools Accessible for Students with Disabilities


At long last, the Ford Government today belatedly made public the initial or draft recommendations on what the promised Education Accessibility Standard should include. The Government-appointed K-12 Education Standards Development Committee submitted these initial or draft recommendations to the Government over two and a half months ago. Read more athttps://aoda.ca/ford-government-finally-makes-public-the-initial-recommendations-by-the-k-12-education-standards-development-committee-on-how-to-make-ontario-schools-accessible-for-students-with-disabilities/ Related

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In a Detailed Report Card Delivered During National AccessAbility Week, the Ford Government Gets a Blistering “F” Grade for Its Three Year Record Since Taking Office on Action to Make Ontario Accessible for 2.6 Million Ontarians with Disabilities


When he was campaigning for votes in the 2018 election, Doug Ford said that our issues “are close to the hearts of our Ontario PC Caucus” and that: “Too many Ontarians with disabilities still face barriers when they try to get a job, ride public transit, get an education, use our healthcare system, buy goods […]

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Changes at Parlee Beach means improved access for people with disabilities

Changes at Parlee Beach means improved access for people with

New Brunswick’s largest beach will once again be open to the public starting Friday and visitors to Parlee Beach Provincial Park will notice some changes that include improved access for those with disabilities. “We have been lobbying for years now to make the entire province accessible,” said Mathieu Stever, the manager of the ParaNB […]

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Disability Rights Advocate Launches Court Application Against the Ford Government for Violating the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act


He asks the Court to order Ontario’s Minister for Seniors and Accessibility to immediately post on line and otherwise make public the initial recommendations for measures needed to tear down barriers in Ontario’s education system plaguing students with disabilities and in Ontario’s health care system, impeding patients with disabilities, that the Minister received from three […]

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