Provincial Disability Coalition Urges Ottawa City Council to Reject Impending Proposal to Allow Electric Scooters that Endanger People with Disabilities and Others – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


In a stunning affront to National AccessAbility Week, and while the COVID-19 crisis persists with no end in sight, Ottawa City Council’s Transportation Committee this week proposes to expose people with disabilities and others in Ottawa to proven dangers posed by allowing public use and rental of electric scooters (e-scooters). E-scooters will lead to personal […]

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‘I am extremely disappointed’: group home proposal sparks outrage in Weyburn

I am extremely disappointed’ group home proposal sparks outrage in Weyburn

[ad_1] Social Services Minister Paul Merriman says he is “extremely disappointed” in Weyburn city council’s decision to not approve a group home for four adults with mental and physical disabilities. The Saskatchewan Housing Authority had the application for the home before council on March 11 for a discretionary use permit in The Creeks subdivision. “This […]

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