Any Time, You Can Watch The Agenda with Steve Paikin’s Panel on Disability Discrimination Risks If Life-Saving Critical Medical Care Must Soon Be Rationed – and – Excellent Canadian Press Article on This Triage Issue – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


We continue our unbelievably uphill efforts to get the media to cover the immediate and important issue of the danger that patients with disabilities could be subjected to disability discrimination in access to life-saving critical medical care if overloaded hospitals must ration or “triage” critical medical care. The Ford Government still refuses to answer our […]

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Yesterday, Disability Concerns About the Risk of Disability Discrimination if Critical Medical Care Must be Rationed Was Raised In the Ontario Legislature, the Media and Premier Ford’s News Conference – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Yesterday’s strong open letter to the Ford Government by 64 organizations and groups, spearheaded by the AODA Alliance and the ARCH Disability Law Centre, has increased public attention to our concerns about the Ford Government’s plans if a continuing surge in COVID-19 cases requires rationing or “triage” of hospital critical medical care. Read more at […]

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