Solicitor General Brushes Off Disability Advocate Concerns About Triage Protocol


Asked about concerns raised by disability advocates for months that the provincial triage guidelines discriminate against them, Ontario’s solicitor general got upset. “There is no triage protocol being used,” Sylvia Jones said, cutting off the question from QP Briefing. “I am very frustrated that you continue to suggest that there is a triage protocol in […]

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The Ford Government’s January 13, 2021 Critical Care Triage Protocol Would Make Every Triage Doctor a Law Unto Themselves, Denying Due Process or Fair Procedure to Patients Whose Lives Are In Jeopardy – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


In this Update we focus on one powerful and very disturbing illustration of how doctors would wrongly become a law unto themselves. They would too often be able to consciously or unconsciously bring to bear their own personal and subjective preferences when deciding which patients they will deny life-saving critical care. The January 13, 2021 […]

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Already In ‘Crisis Mode’, Ontario Hospitals Have No Protocol for Who Gets Priority Treatment, Human Rights Advocates Say – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Doctors in Ontario could soon be forced to undergo the harrowing process their peers in Italy and New York experienced in the spring choosing who lives and dies when intensive care reaches its maximum capacity. That’s the question many fear as COVID-19 patients continue to pile into intensive care beds in Ontario. In Peel Region, […]

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Ontario Human Rights Commission Corroborates that the Ford Government withdrew the Government’s Widely-Condemned Critical Medical Care Triage Protocol – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


But as COVID-19 Infections Sky-Rocket, the Government Continues to Conceal Its Plans for Critical Care Triage Read more at Related

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Ford Government Says it Rescinded its Widely-Condemned March 28, 2020 Protocol Directing Which Patients Will be Refused Life-Saving Critical Medical Care if the COVID-19 Surge Exceeds Hospital Capacity – But Won’t Reveal How It Will Fill that Vacuum – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


“It’s great that when pressed in Question Period, the Ford Government finally announced it had rescinded its deeply flawed March 28, 2020 critical care triage protocol, but we’ve seen no proof that they’ve told all Ontario hospitals this,” said David Lepofsky, chair of the non-partisan AODA Alliance that allied with other disability advocates to protect […]

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ARCH Disability Law Centre Identifies Even More Problems with the Revised Draft Protocol for Deciding which COVID-19 Patients, Needing Critical Medical Care, Would Not Get That Care If there Is a Future Shortage of Critical Care Beds – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


The ARCH Disability Law Centre made public a very compelling, well-written submission to the Ford Government’s Bioethics Table. The Ford Government appointed the Bioethics Table, physicians and bioethicists, to advise it on how critical care should be rationed among patients if there is a shortage during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more at Related

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AODA Alliance Endorses ARCH Disability Law Centre’s Brief that Shows in Even More Detail How the Ford Government’s Revised Draft Medical Triage Protocol, Now Undergoing Consultation, Would Discriminate Against COVID-19 Patients with Disabilities If There Were Not Enough Ventilators for All Patients Needing Them – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


The ARCH Disability Law Centre has made public a superb new brief to the Ford Government on the serious disability human rights problems with the revised draft medical triage protocol on which the Ford Government is now holding a consultation. The AODA Alliance strongly endorses ARCH’s brief and congratulates ARCH on excellent work. ARCH’s brief […]

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In A Second COVID-19 Wave If There Aren’t Enough Ventilators for All Patients Needing Them, A new Draft Ontario Medical Triage Protocol Would Continue to Discriminate Against COVID-19Patients with Disabilities – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Despite having four months to fix this serious problem, in the COVID-19 crisis the Ford Government has still not rooted out the current danger to people with disabilities, induced by a protocol that Ontario Health sent to all hospitals last spring. That protocol lets hospitals violate basic human rights of COVID-19 patients with disabilities if […]

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The ARCH Disability Law Centre Sends the Ford Government An Excellent Analysis of the Government’s Seriously Flawed March 28, 2020 Medical Triage Protocol – Accessibility News, your Online Magazine Devoted to Disability Accessibility.


Hasn’t The Government Already Held Its Promised and Overdue Public Consultation on Replacing That Problem-Ridden Protocol? Read more at Related

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